livet genom
"tittar ut. livet passerar utanför. snabbspolas bort. ser myllret av alla rådassiga. alla dessa levande döda. de kamoufleras mot husfasaderna. ingen sticker ut. ingen gör ett väsen av sig. som lobotomerade följer de sina bruksanvisningar. de abnormala institutioneras. plockas bort. psykologer förklarar våra fel för oss. samhället har ritat kartan. en livstid spenderas på att "känna rätt". att anpassa sig. följa strömmen. vi kör hårt tills batteriet tar slut. tills det är dags att dö. vi har bara tränats i hur vi ska leva men glömt bort att faktiskt göra det. alla föds unika men dör som kopior."
"she put a spell on him, she had his heart in her hand, and when she squeezed a litte bit too hard, she tore the boy to pieces. looked into the mirror I was hypnotized, there was a different man, staring back into my eyes. went to the doctor but he could not see, only the love of a woman would be medicine for me. I went for miles in the pouring rain, losing her wasn't part of the game, so I took the time to look around and see, cause there had to be a future that was meant for me. love may blind you with its cry, love can haunt you 'til the day you die, be yourself and don't pretend, broken hearts can always mend."